Monday, July 19, 2010

My $$$$ is TOO sexy for the runway!!!!

I don't know about you , but my money tends to be too sexy for runway prices. Being a college student majoring in fashion means you have to know how to look good for less. Why pay over $1,000 dollars for a pair of shoes when you can pay $30.00 for a pair that is almost identical. Don't get me wrong I absolutely ♥  designer fashion but my wallet loves sales and discounts.Keep your money sexy with some alternative styles and prices. Being broke is NOT sexy!!!!!!!  Check out these twin sins: A  pair of Brian Atwood pumps retailing for $800 worn by Sarah Jessica Parker in Sex and the City 2,  and a twin pair shown in cobalt blue from retailing for $29.90 .

Right Said Fred - I'm Too Sexy (2007 Mix)